Saturday, August 31, 2013


Watching- uuuuggghh. Not too much. Now having a toddler who has discovered the television has majorly curtailed anything I'd like to watch. My days are spent watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and Caillou. I gotta say though, I really hate Caillou....I do a great impression of this cartoon character. This kid has the whiniest voice, he's a big baby and all he does is complain. Yet, kids love this show. I dont get it. I did happen to finish out Orange is the New Black on Netflix. That show was AMAZING!! My cousin turned me on to watching it, and now I am hooked, and impatiently awaiting the second season to come out. Maybe I'll read the book.

Listening- to whatever. I'm so weird I just downloaded Liberace's greatest hits. He was a total weirdo, but hey, he was an amazing piano player! But also, I'm very very very much in love with Zedd. Super awesome album!

Reading- well, at work I have reading "the Little Princess" to the residents....I know that story well, so always a classic. Then when I go to see my mother at her care home I have been reading to her as well, we've been reading "Black Beauty". then at home I have been slowly reading "I'd know you anywhere" which is a creepy book about a grown woman who receives a letter from the man than kidnapped her when she was 15 years old and held her hostage and on the run for two months.

Loving- Family time. Big time. I have never looked forward to just being with my little family more than I do now. Not sure for what reasons, but everyday, I just look forward to coming home to them. I am so in love with Justin even though he can drive me nuts, he is an amazing husband and father. And every day I hug and kiss V over and over and thank god for bringing her into my life.

Excited- for my upcoming "Girl Trip" to austin with my friend Terri in mid September. I havent been able to do something like this in a LOOOOOONG time so I am really looking forward to it. We booked our hotel, and we have been discussing what we wanna do. I know I want to eat a Kirby Lane for breakfast, get some french fries at Hyde Park Grill, hike and swim at sculpture falls, shop on congress, go dance at Plush...hear the piano at Don's Depot...the list is endless. I miss Austin sometimes....but Houston has won over my heart.

Thinking-Violet turns TWO on Sept. 10th!!! We are having her bday party at the Moody Gardens Aquarium next weekend, so I have been thinking about that, how the party will go, (I am new to this thing where you pay someone else host the party) and then how I really hate how she is growing so fast. She copies literally EVERYTHING I say, she picks out her own clothes a lot ( train wreck!) She has become a little caregiver for her "babies", she doesnt like her highchair anymore....too much to list. I am losing my baby and truly gaining a toddler now.  its. just. soooo. crazy. sigh.

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