Thursday, January 28, 2010

the whole kit and kaBOODLE!

I am sooooo tired from the past week!! I have been on my journey to house hunt, and job hunt at the same time and wow. thats really the only word to sum it up. I have been on so far 5 interviews, (1 a phone interview) and like I have posted on my facebook, my brain is fried! My sister said I should be so lucky to even get so many bites, but still the market I'm in for jobs is incredibly competitive. I had one interview with a woman who blatantly decided she didnt want to give me a chance when I walked through the door. I was so in shock of how this lady treated me, its not like my hair was on fire, its not like I was carrying the swine flu, its not like I smelled like cat pee (the guy at the grocery store in the ice cream aisle yesterday did, though)! I have 3 more to go so far in the next week, so hopefully I will get some luck!

the thing that came out AMAZING this week, was that we found our new home! We rented a duplex literally a block off montrose (for those who dont know montrose is the happenin area) 1st floor with hard woods (relief for Penny) a back yard, and here's the best part: The top floor of the duplex is also becoming available randomly, and my best friend of 20 yrs, Melissa is renting it! Pretty exciting! I decided to include a photo of our humble abode.....

closet space is not like what I have now. which is a problem. I plan on installing my own shelving, and elfa shelving is crazt expensive but I managed to find something a bit cheaper at Home Depot. What comes out of this that I have needed to do for a incredibly long time, is declutter my life. I would like to have a garage sale....maybe sell some more stuff on ebay.....craiglist some things. We plan on buying a new couch and a tv, and Penny is gonna get a new kennel. Yay! I'm so I need to find the job to pay the rent. muahahahahaha.....

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